I am Sasha btw if you didn’t know my name. I’m 10 (about turn 11 in July). I like UniSoccer and it’s really fun. My team are called the badTatos and I have my two BFFs on the team named Amy and Mary and they are the king and queens children and they are really nice. I like Music, Dancing, Acting, And Art and my favorite subject in school is Social studies because we get to learn about the greatest Unitatos in Unitatopia and they are legends! I want to be an amazing legend like Tara Fields the first ever Unitato in Unitatopia and she went to war and we won because of her, and how about James Scott the Unitato who defeated 104 Humans one day and he didn’t even get hurt, or like Bob Cramps who is btw and like I said he is the first Unitato to reach the 500th level. I like to draw and express how I feel and what happened to me today. I love music especially the Unitato groove band and the are the ones who created the Unitato Bop. I like to listen to music when I’m feeling sad or mad or just feel like I need to calm down. Did I mention that I also wright songs and it is a great way to express my feelings and really just let go. I have a little sister and an older brother they are both annoying but I still love them and I have a mom and dad who are totally cool and funny and they are the best parents a kid could have and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My favorite color is UniBlue and it’s a mixture of light blue dark blue and sky blue so it’s kinda like a rainbow with only one color. I’m can get a short temper sometimes. I’m a little weird and crazy … Ok maybe a lot crazy! Oh and did I forget to tell you that I just went up from a level 5 Unitato to … A level 6 Unitato isn’t that great. Ok maybe it’s not a big deal for you but it is for me and now I have a rainbow tail and horn isn’t that awesome!? Well I should stop talking about myself because this could go on forever bye!!!
Thanks so much for educating me about Unitatos. You are quite the expert!