Unitatos love the sunlight and they live in an underground Unitato town called Unitatopia and it is amazing by the way. We eat lucky charm fertilizer and dirt chops and rainbow surprise (the surprise is dirt) and sometimes these foods get old. Unitatos never leave Unitatopia unless they are over a level 20 Unitato and I’m not even close to that but I wish. We barely even move an inch sometimes and we only sit on our couches and watch potatoes the show (it’s a really good show btw). We hibernate in the winter and we love to sleep on backs. Unitatos are very tasty to humans but please don’t eat us. We like to sing a song called the Unitato bop and it goes like this ” bop to the left, bop to the right shake your little Unitato behind, now slide to left, now slide to the right now do the bop now bop bop bop bop bop bop now shake shake Shake Shake shake Shake your Unitato behind ” it’s a really catchy song. Unitatos love to dance especially to the Unitato bop. But other than that we never move sometimes. There is a king and queen Unitato and they have two daughters named Amy and Mary and they are twins and they are both in my class at Unitatopia Elementary School (I’m in 5th grade). We learn stuff in school about how to avoid humans and blend in and activate our Unitato powers. Every Unitato has a special power that they need to master and use against humans, my power is the Unitato horn Zap (I haven’t mastered it yet but I’m getting there). Oh and don’t forget about our website @www.UnitatoWorld.net and our numbers 1-800-Help-Unitatos and 1-800-Stop-McDonalds!!!
You are a wonderful storyteller, Sasha!