Just to be clear Unitatos are real and always know that! Unitatos are a mixture between a unicorn and a potato.They are the most wonderful and amazing creature in the universe! Ok I am just gonna come clean and tell you why I’m so obsessed with Unitatos … I am a Unitato and I have always been one since I was 4 but you haven’t noticed that I was one. I am a level 5 Unitatos yes I know what your thinking why do Unitatos have levels well for us we have a process of growing up and becoming mature and that is having levels and the highest level is 500 and you have to do things to gain a level and we have a Unitato that is the most amazing Unitato ever he is the grandpa Unitato. He is 1,200 Unitato years old and he is very wise his name is Bob and he has a wife named Barbra and she is a level 499 Unitato and they tell me stories about their life together and other fun stuff. I am gonna tell you what Unitatos hate the most in the world … FRIES!!! They are so gross and mean to cut up an innocent Unitato and cook the potato part of the Unitato!!! If you wanna donate money to us to help us stop Mcdonalds then call 1-800-stop-Mcdonalds and go to our website @www.UnitatoWorld.net and please donate to support us thanks bye!!!